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Legal Nurse Consultant
Buck LNC provides expertise in medical and nursing aspects, which is critical to achieving a successful outcome for your clients. At Buck LNC, we can put that kind of mastery to work for your legal practice. Our professional services will enable you to develop your cases quickly and cost-effectively.

Legal Nurse Consultant services:

  • Screen potential health-related cases for merit  

  •  Organize, tabulate, and paginate medical records in chronological sequence for easy reference throughout case preparation

  •  Review and interpret relevant medical records

  •  Identify and request relevant documents or tangible evidence to aid in case analysis 

  •  Provide potential candidates for expert witnesses

  •  Identify missing records or gaps in documentation

  •  Identify causation issues

  •  Review records for damages/injuries and identify contributing factors

  •  Develop written reports, summaries, chronologies, timelines, charts

  •  Review records for signs of tampering

  •  Identify potential key providers in the medical records

  •  Educate the legal group on medical care related to case findings

  •  Assist in the deposition process by writing questions pertinent to the medical issues

  •  Identify applicable standards of care, deviations by health care professionals from reasonable and customary clinical practice


Testimonial 1

"I have known Teresa Buck for nine years. She successfully ran a campaign to become the Councilmember for Ward 4 in the City of Tuttle from 2013 through 2017.  The members of the City Council selected Teresa to serve asVice-Mayor. During Teresa’s tenure on the City Council, she was instrumental in helping move the community forward. Major projects include expansion of the sanitary sewer system, creation of a new employee compensation plan, the construction of a new 40-acre park, and creation of a new municipal broadband system. Her leadership skills were especially displayed when she led the City Council in the adoption of its first Code of Ethics. It is my pleasure to recommend Teresa Buck for your program. She is an incredibly intelligent, ethical, and caring individual who loves making a difference in the lives of those around her."   Click for complete letter.


Tim Young, City Manager


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Contact Me

Please fill in the form below to make an appointment or to connect with a message. Thank you.

Mailing Address:

182 Athey Ct.

West Melbourne, FL  32904

Tel: (405) 255-4807

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